How to Get Out of a Blogging Rut

Blogging is just like any other job- there are weeks where I’m totally motivated and bursting with ideas, then I’ll hit a point where the last thing I want to do is brainstorm and plan my next post. Even though I’m extremely grateful and happy with my career, we all fall into ruts sometimes… it’s part of life! I’ve had readers ask me how I handle the motivation slumps, so I thought it’d be fun to talk about that today. Here are ideas that work for me when I need to get out of a blogging rut:

Accept it

The key thing for me is to recognize that I’m in a rut and be OK with it. There’s no use in beating yourself up or forcing something that isn’t there. I think readers can always tell when a post is genuine or not, so I try and limit posting to when I’m truly feeling it. Accept that it’s an off day (or week) and start crossing off things on your to-do list that don’t involve the rut.

Take a day off

After I accept that I’m in a funk, I usually give myself a day off. I understand this isn’t always doable- especially in other less flexible fields- but I’d suggest trying to find a break somehow.

Plan ahead

Planning ahead can be extremely beneficial. I’ll shoot and write up a couple “banked content” posts that can be published at any time over the next month or so. That way, even if you lose focus for a couple days, you have interesting content to bring to your readers. I like to write this banked content when I’m having bursts of motivation.

Consume new content

We all have our sites and TV shows we read and watch, but when I’m in a slump, I love to add variety. I’ll click around the web until I find different blogs to read, flip through my favorite fashion magazines or listen to one of my favorite podcasts. Simply absorbing new content usually sparks inspiration for me.

Switch up your routine

This is especially great if you can’t find yourself to take a whole day off work, but on top of reading or watching something new stuff, I love DOING something unique or different than my normal life. This past weekend, we took the train up to Santa Barbara. It was only a couple hours away, but felt so nice. We walked by new-to-me shops, I saw different street style, and we took in the surroundings outside of our usual LA spots. It’s amazing what switching up your routine can do. Even driving a different route to work or taking a unfamiliar workout class is enough to provide fresh enthusiasm.

Ask your readers

I’ve definitely done this before. I think it’s necessary to be in touch with your readers not only to have strong relationships, but it’s the ideal opportunity to see what they want more of. This is perfect for times when you’re in a rut or don’t know where the blog is going. Just ask! My readers (thank you, guys!) have always been honest and provided me with fresh ideas to bring to the site. A lot of times, I’ll get handfuls of post ideas based on comments.

Be present on social media

There are days when life is downright too busy to get a post brainstormed, shot, edited, and written. And that’s fine. Those are the times when I’ll go heavier on social media. I figure, if I don’t have the energy to complete a valuable blog post, the least I can do is engage with followers over Snapchat or Instagram. This way, I’m still providing some sort of content and not just posting on my blog to say I posted.

Treat yourself!

Lastly, I think it’s crucial to step away and get some self love during these periods. I usually opt for either a mani or massage or go to lunch with my family (again, often times I find a restaurant I want to post about, or see style that induces motivation). Sometimes, you can find insight in places you never expected, so definitely take time for yourself!

Have you tried any of these ideas? How do you guys deal with ruts?

xx Brittany

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